Growing as a Church
These are the ways we become more like Jesus

Kids and Teen Youth Groups
Our Youth Groups begin meeting after labor day.
All Children are welcome to join us each week for food, fun, and learning about Jesus!
Elementary (Grades 1 - 5) meet on Wednesdays from 4pm - 5pm and are served a snack.
Middle (Grades 6 - 8) meet Wednesdays from 5:15pm - 6:15pm and are served snacks.
High School (Grades 9-12) meet Mondays from 6pm - 7pm and are served dinner.
Sunday School and Nursery
Woman's Sunday School
9:30 a.m. at the fellowship hall.
This group is usually reading a book together.
All Adult Sunday School
Meets at 9:30 a.m. in the overflow room.
They use a curriculum that focuses on scripture each week.
Any babies are welcome in the nursery during worship, which is located adjacent to the Sanctuary.

Stitchin' Friends Sharing Hope
Wednesday afternoons in the church basement
A community quilting group that quilts, knits, and crochets items that are then shared with the community and others in need.
Story Times with Andy
After worship every Sunday in the month of February
Stay after Worship in the month of February to enjoy fun and diverging stories told by Andy about the history of the Church.

Midweek Worship
October 2, November 6, December 4 at 6:15
Church Basement
A time of worship, prayer, and meditation amidst our busy fall schedules. Set a time apart each month this fall to worship with a contemporary band and spend time in prayer and meditation.

Youth Weekend at Camp Jo-Ota
August 2-3
A weekend in which youth of all ages are welcome to learn, play, and grow in their faith.
On this weekend, our Church's worship will be held at camp Jo-Ota at 10:30.
We will share a carry-in meal after worship, with the church providing fried chicken.