Times to Invite
These are times during the year created to invite friends and neighbors

Easter Service
10:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday
Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!
Corned Beef Dinner
March 17th after Worship. (11:30)
Stay after worship to enjoy Corned Beef with all the fixens. Pulled pork will be available for those who don't enjoy corned beef.

Christmas eve and Travelers Christmas eve
December 19th and 24, 6:00 p.m.
We will have our annual Christmas eve worship on the evening before Christmas. we will also have a Christmas eve service for all of those who will be out of town on Christmas eve.
Cookies and Carols
December 10th, during and after worship
We will sing our favorite Christmas carols, and then share cookies and hot cider. After worship we will deliver cookies to nursing homes and people who cannot go out.

Interested in Joining our Church?
Worship starts every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Click here to learn about other opportunities to be involved with us.
Or Click here to ask us any questions you may have.